LUSINI – A Success Story

The LUSINI Group can look back on a success story of more than thirty-five years – having started out as a textile wholesaler with four employees, the LUSINI Group currently has 700 employees at 16 international locations. With the unbeatable sales and marketing concept, state-of-the-art logistics and IT, sensational products as well as worldwide procurement, we are optimally equipped for the future and look forward to many more new milestones!


A long-held wish comes true: with our own branch in Lisbon, we now also serve Portuguese customers. The branch is managed from Spain.

In mid-May, we opened our new branch in Zagreb and are now also represented in Croatia. This means that all passionate hosts – whether professional or private end customer – have access to over 40,000 items in LUSINI’s new Croatian online store.

Since November 2021, Danish customers have also been ordering via our new online shop in Denmark. The customer centre in our Swedish branch takes care of the Danish market.

The proven product brands VEGA,
ERWIN M. and JOBELINE are to be united under the name LUSINI – along with more service, personal advice and inspiration.

Under the name MIMCO, an extensive product range is procured worldwide for the brands VEGA, Erwin Müller hotel linen, JOBELINE and Pulsiva.

The corporate brand Pulsiva is rolled out in the European markets.

Customers from the Benelux countries are managed through the branch based in France.

Erwin Müller Group founds another purchasing office in New Dehli.

Customers in Norway are acquired and managed through the Swedish subsidiary.

At the end of February 2013, Erwin Müller Group acquires a stake in the prestigious catering specialist for professional events POGGEMEIER GmbH, based in Bielefeld and East Westphalia. Since January 2016, the company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Erwin Müller Group.

In order to be able to cope with the strong expansion, one of the most modern logistics centres in the mail order business is put into operation. On approximately 30,000 square meters, 170 employees produce 4,500 to 5,000 packages daily for our customers across Europe.

The rapid growth requires new corporate structures. As of January 1, 2009, all companies are grouped together in the Erwin Müller Group. EM Group Holding AG takes over the management of the globally operating group. Chairman of the Management Board is Erwin Müller jun.

With the slogan “Catering supplies must not cost more”, the Erwin Müller Group introduces the brand Pulsiva into the German mail-order market. In a short time, Pulsiva develops into the number one discounter for catering supplies.

With the establishment of the subsidiary in Terneuzen, the Erwin Müller Group enters the Dutch mail-order market, which is highly Internet-driven.

For a long time, Italy was regarded as a poor place for mail-order business. The launch of the branch in Bolzano has proved the opposite to be true – the Italian hotel and catering industry has been waiting for the opportunity to shop conveniently via mail order.

A new distribution company, which is responsible for worldwide distribution of the brands, is founded.

The first branch office in Scandinavia is founded in Malmö, Sweden. The Swedish office is served by the Malmö office.

Erwin Müller Group founds the first purchasing office in Shanghai.

On April 27, 2005, the first packages roll off the line for the branch in Spain. Spanish customers receive support from an office in Barcelona.

The next foreign subsidiary is founded in Switzerland – another successful milestone in the company’s history.

In a time of general economic weakness in Germany,
Erwin Müller jun. sets the company on the path of expansion. In 2000, an administrative building and a well-equipped logistics building with high bay warehouses worth
13 million euros are built.

Establishment of branch in France In 1999, the first branch office in a non-German-speaking country is founded in France. The branch office is located in Entzheim near Strasbourg.

The first branch office outside of Germany is opened in Enns, Austria.

Alongside the sales of textiles, the distribution of hardware to hotel and catering establishments is now the next step. With the VEGA brand, the Wertingen-based company becomes European market leader in the mail-order business for catering supplies.

Only three years later, the fast company growth requires more space. Erwin Müller jun. invests over 3 million euros in the construction of a new shipping and administration building in Wertingen.

At the age of 17, Erwin Müller jun. founds Hotelwäsche Erwin Müller GmbH in the Bavarian town of Donauwörth. Hotel and catering establishments in Germany are supplied with hotel linen via mail-order.

More than 50,000 items
700 employees
More than 200 brands
16 locations worldwide