Hettlinger Str. 9
86637 Wertingen
(industrial Estate Geratshofen)
Made with ❤ in Wertingen – Relaunched @home
All the jobs you find on our website are up-to-date. They are regularly updated by us. If you do not find a job offer that matches your profile, you can apply for it on your own initiative.
Please apply exclusively via our online form. To do this, click on the Apply button in the individual job vacancies. We cannot accept or send back documents in paper form or by e-mail.
We look forward to receiving unsolicited applications. It is important that we receive all relevant information from you with the application. Please indicate in which function and at which location you would like to work for LUSINI. We will then check whether we can offer you a position that matches your knowledge and skills.
When applying, make sure that your documents are complete. We always expect a meaningful CV with a cover letter as well as proof of your qualifications through references, certificates or relevant documents for your skills development.
You can be assured that all your personal data will be treated confidentially and processed in accordance with data protection regulations.
LUSINI offers many part-time positions, which can be seen in the job advertisements. You are also welcome to apply part-time on your own initiative at any time. Please be as precise as possible about the number of hours and distribution of hours.
We offer both school and university students the opportunity to complete internships. There is also always a need for holiday help. Please send us a short application with a CV and be sure to state the period in which you would like to come to us.
Our managers will develop an individual induction plan that will enable you to get an overview of the entire company and get to know the core tasks in the shortest possible time.
You will be provided with an experienced employee as your starting companion. In the first six months, he will introduce you to your colleagues and help you network within the company.
The further training is embedded in a holistic personnel development concept and specifically tailored to your individual needs.
After receiving your application via our online form, we will send you a written confirmation of receipt. We then check your documents in close coordination with the specialist department. If you receive positive feedback, we will first invite you to get to know each other (in person/by telephone) and in the second round to an in-depth discussion (in person). During both interviews you have the opportunity to get to know the responsible managers from the specialist and HR departments.